Montag, 14. Mai 2018

shared times

One short evening, 
two days and just a 
„Good Morning Coffee Talk“

Albert Einstein has found out, that time is relative. 
I think he was right!

In the vicinity of great people, the time begins to shorten, or it even ceases to exist.
In the vicinity of petty-minded people, it becomes very slow and tedious and boring.

So goat shed was cleared in a short afternoon.
And the time with two lovely lady shrank to a beautiful moment.
A moment filled with friendly people, music, work and good food.
WHAT does man want more?

On the one hand, there are still those friendly people in the restaurant, at the pump or in the supermarket, have a short talk, a nice joke or simply an apology and a smile when they have stood in the way

However, the idiots have become more.
Especially on the road, there are now almost German behavior here.
Speeding, jostle, honk, madly overtaking.

So after some good days, often comes one bad.
… also, because it can not be better than it already was.

What I really think, is, under a plutocracy like this, things get buoyancy, which 5 years ago are have lived under black stones, somewhere in a gray forest, with dead trees and foul water in the pools. Gnomes, mostly in the form of slightly overweight men, in my age range. 
Imps, who believe the promises, that they would live a better life. In any case better, than those they're looking down on, already.
One of these met me today at a gas station. He has scolded about foreigners and people with a different skin color and about women and this guys (?) out of NYC, … actually about all who are not exactly like him.

But, like one of the Ladys said: „Lets talk about friendly things!“
So here are some happy moments of a to short weekend

What means "happy" one could be learn best with young goats

What also makes you happy is good food:

At the top of the picture, the leaves of wild onions and goat cheese from the own goats.
Front of the picture, the young shoots of cinnamon fern ... plus mango pieces ... everything on pizza .... and baked at fire ... simply  great!

So ... see the following fotos too!

Now, on my one again, sitting in a not to clean hotel room, I get the feeling of freedom and loneliness again, which I love and hate at the same time. (I think I love it mostly!)
You know ... thats me! ... and the journey have to go on.

Here the first picture of the first day,
the East Branch Sacandaga River on my way to west.

Have a fine evening
Have a good night
Sleep well
Good Morning

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